Vernon Snow Removal is dedicated to giving fast and dependable service to our customers. We are conveniently located in Vernon, British Columbia and are well known for our spectacular quality services. We offer professional plowing services, liquid de-icing and sand-salt applications.
Our Liquid De-Icing is applied prior to large, predictable snow events as well as post storm. The results are a premium service, with little to no ice. Advantages are 20% less plowing visits, less damage to landscaping and surfaces, less spring clean-up, less dust in the spring, MUCH BETTER SERVICE.
Sanding is performed after plowing. Our sand contains a minimum of 7% salt. This product assists in melting as well as provides traction.
When space for pushing snow is limited, it is possible to haul it away. This will also prevent snow melting and re-freezing creating unwanted icy surfaces.